Corral: EPN, hechura de Televisa

Corral: EPN, hechura de Televisa.

Corral: EPN, hechura de Televisa

Xalapa, View, Sept. 13, 2012. – Senator Javier Corral, in visiting Xalapa, said he hopes the presidency of Enrique Peña not incur a «presidential» untouchable. However, he questioned its legitimacy, considering that the PRI candidate to carry the Los Pinos «is making and invention of Television».
I hope that the country will not return to a presidential system in which the deputies and senators act as bodyguards and as a counterweight. »
Senator urges reform considered that you return to your position Televisa news organization and not a political actor: «One of the great slopes of the country is modern legislation to relocate mainly to television duopoly to its natural place intermediation and procurement information. And not as far as political actors behave. It is no secret that Peña Nieto’s candidacy was conceived, planned and incubated at Televisa. From there he was promoted and protected. It is a creature and invention of Televisa.
The senator said his criticism of Felipe Calderon is part of democratic debate and denied that he had leaked a letter against the president to reform.
Thus alluded to Felipe Calderon, who had accused Corral that «seemed to have soldiers instead of deputies», referring to meetings held National Action legislators with federal president.
The change in our country including the presidency, and the president is not untouchable. Should not and must remain untouched, is part of democracy. Hopefully not again presidentialism. It is normal that there is a change of ideas, that there is a public controversy. »
Corral Jurado recalled that the legislative forum, often defended President Felipe Calderon, but in the arena of journalism, said he often disagreed.
«I have many faults that I have not cowardice.» He said the television duopoly is more powerful today than six years ago. Citing the letter published in Reforma to reply to Felipe Calderon for not having attended meetings PAN legislators, reiterated that it was not for lack of courage and said that he was not responsible for leaking the prestigious national average, although he knew of the risks of this happening to have knowledge of, several of his co-religionists.
However, he said that «it would be absurd prescindiéramos Calderon and current supporting it because it is a stream with a great background. What I have proposed is that the renewal of PAN or redesign can not focus on him or from him to make sure he (Calderon) permanence.
Confirmed to be the author of the letter to President Felipe Calderon «is an aggressive letter. It’s hard, but it is disrespectful, or is vulgar, far from it. »
It was a private communication to a personal comment «that the president of the republic made in a private meeting with senators PAN».
Calderon added that should «let fly the PAN, and should let you take their course, the way that the PAN define its own strategy, he already had a great chance these six years, there are indisputable achievements advances, balance is also omissions come into being on July past. »
At the time, he said he does not see that the defeat of PAN has its explanation in the leadership of Gustavo Madero, who he said, has steered the party in the midst of a strong race.

* La Belisario para Granados Chapa.

Javier Corral Jurado
9 de septiembre de 2008.

Columna Rotafolio

¿Cuántos miles de mexican@s se han formado a lo largo de las últimas cuatro décadas con base en la escritura periodística de Miguel Angel Granados Chapa?, ¿Cuántos miles a lo largo de los treinta y un años que ya cumplió su columna Plaza Pública, han orientado sus decisiones e inspirado sus acciones, en los análisis y valoraciones de Miguel Angel?. Sí, son miles y miles, porque Miguel Angel Granados Chapa ha sido, en la más amplia y digna expresión de la palabra un Maestro de generaciones, en el periodismo, en la política y en la cultura. Intransitable en el compromiso con la ética, ha puesto desde siempre la verdad como deber, y la historia de esa combinación de valores lo ha hecho desde entonces y hasta ahora, un periodista insobornable.

Seguir leyendo «* La Belisario para Granados Chapa.»

Inquietos Intelectuales, por Raúl Trejo Delarbre

Javier Corral Jurado

6 de julio de 2008.

Despacho de Prensa

– El investigador de la UNAM pone los puntos sobre la ies.

* Contundente Respuesta de Trejo Delarbre a Intelectuales.

– En su columna de La Crónica de Hoy, formula defensa de la reforma electoral.

Seguir leyendo «Inquietos Intelectuales, por Raúl Trejo Delarbre»